
Welcome WCCP Parents!

Below you will find printable documents and Brief explinations of some of our policies.

Thank you for being a part of our daycare!




Monthly Schedule Print Off

Below you will find both school age and child care blank monthly flex schedule form. Please ensure this is returned by the 20th of the month prior (Feb should be turned in by Jan 20th end of day). For every day it is turned in late there is a $25/day fee. 


Day Care Monthly Flex Schedule

School Age Monthly Flex Schedule

Weekly Menu

The menu is finalized on the Friday of the week prior and will be uploaded by end of day.


Menu 2.10.25

Temporary Pick-Up

Please ensure that your pick-up person has their ID with them, we have a signed pick up permission form with their information on it, on file, and that we are notified on the day of who will be picking them up. Thank you! 


Temporary Pick Up Form

Permission Forms

Below you will find different permission forms that are filled out during registration time. If you would like to change your selection on any of the forms, please print off and return to the center with updated selections and signatures.

Additionally, you will find the Diet Modification form and the Medication Administer form for any changes regarding their care. 

Thank you! 


Insect Repellent Permission Form

Photo/Video Release & Travel/Activity Release

Social Media Permissions

Diet Modification Form

Medication Release Form

Sunscreen Permission Form

Non-Discrimination Policy

It is the policy of Waverly Child Care and Preschool not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, children and families we serve, and volunteers.


To enroll, please call the center at (319) 352-4664 or email the center at waverlychildcarerecep@msn.com for information on enrolling and waitlist. 

Hours of Operation

The center is open Monday-Friday from 6:30 am to 5:30pm, with the exception of major holidays/special events. In the event of inclement weather, announcements will be made on Facebook, KWAY 99.3 and KWWL Ch. 7.


WCCP charges at a weekly rate.  A tuition contract will be filled out by families each year at annual registration.  There is a fixed schedule option for families whose schedules will remain without many changes.  A flexible schedule option is available for families whose schedules may change month to month.  Monthly reservation forms will only need to be turned in if your child’s schedule will change month to month (Flexible Schedule).  Those reservation forms will be due on the 20th of each month, and a $25 fee will be added per day for forms turned in after the 20th.

For every 15 minutes that children are picked up after business hours, there will be a $25 charge.


Please call the center if your child will be absent due to illness. Children should NOT be brought to the Center if they have a temperature of 100* F or greater, are vomiting, have diarrhea, undiagnosed skin infections, etc., or if they have had any of these conditions in the past 24 hours. Your child may return when he/she has been fever free for over 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medication, and is symptom free. These guidelines for exclusion are observed based on recommendations from the Iowa State Department of Health and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Please remember:
1. Families may not administer fever reducer to lower a child’s temperature with the purpose of attending the center.
2. If your child becomes ill at the center, you will be asked to pick them up within 30 minutes of a phone call. Attempts will be made to reach a parent or guardian first. If they are not available, a call will then be placed to the emergency contact.
3. Regarding medications, prescription drugs, prescribed by the child’s physician, in the original container are permitted. Prescriptions for over the counter medicines must be on the doctor’s stationery and in the original container. Parent authorization must be on file for each prescribed medication.


WCCP asks that you plan for the comfort of your child when dressing them for the center. Children are continually working on self-help skills so we ask that clothing is free of complicated fastenings. We also remind you that we are a hands-on program and your child may become messy. We ask families to keep a change of seasonally appropriate clothing at the center.
Outdoor play is a important part of our day. We will go outside on nice winter days when the wind chill is above 0*. Your child will need boots, snow pants, mittens, a warm coat, and a hat. All clothing and outerwear should be labelled, including hats/gloves/boots.

Items from Home

Each child attending WCCP will need the following items from home:
1. A set of clothing (outlined above)
2. Appropriate outdoor clothing, based on the season
3. A blanket for rest time. The center will provide a sheet for nap/rest times. We ask that you take it home and launder it weekly.
4. All belongings must be labeled with the child’s full name or initials.
We ask that children leave money, candy, jewelry, toys, and other small items at home. Personal items are easily lost or broken and can cause hurt feelings.

Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting

It is mandatory, under Iowa Code, Section 232.69 for the owner or director in charge of a child care center to report immediately to the Department of Human Services when, in the course of working with a child, the director or employee has reason to believe that the child has suffered abuse. This report shall be both oral and written.